Why might you want to know more about the Feldenkrais Method if you homeschool your gifted/2e child?
Because motor issues are linked to learning issues - thinking, feeling, moving, and sensing are inseparable.
The Feldenkrais Method can be a great support because it:
Honors the wholeness of every person - your child is not a diagnosis or collection of symptoms/problems
Attends to the whole child - thoughts, feelings, sensations, and actions
Engages the child in stimulating activities that promote a greater integration of cognitive, sensory, and emotional experience
Trusts the innate intelligence of EVERY person to develop and improve
Emphasizes working things out for yourself rather than being told what you “should do”
Develops attention and awareness
Starts where the child is, not where the teacher is
Recognizes that novelty and “just-right challenges” are the fastest routes to stimulating learning - not repetition or pushing too hard