Feldenkrais and the Homeschooled 2e Child


Why might you want to know more about the Feldenkrais Method if you homeschool your gifted/2e child?

Because motor issues are linked to learning issues - thinking, feeling, moving, and sensing are inseparable.

The Feldenkrais Method can be a great support because it:

  • Honors the wholeness of every person - your child is not a diagnosis or collection of symptoms/problems

  • Attends to the whole child - thoughts, feelings, sensations, and actions

  • Engages the child in stimulating activities that promote a greater integration of cognitive, sensory, and emotional experience

  • Trusts the innate intelligence of EVERY person to develop and improve

  • Emphasizes working things out for yourself rather than being told what you “should do”

  • Develops attention and awareness

  • Starts where the child is, not where the teacher is

  • Recognizes that novelty and “just-right challenges” are the fastest routes to stimulating learning - not repetition or pushing too hard