About Moshe Feldenkrais
Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984) was an Israeli physicist, engineer, and judo master who discovered that through movement and movement training, it is possible to stimulate and create new connections in the brain. Through keen skills of self-observation combined with a sharp scientific mind, Feldenkrais gradually formulated a whole-body approach to optimizing and orienting the brain for learning and growth, observing that our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and movements are all interconnected - to each other, and to our sense of ourselves. When we refine our ability to move, when we attend to sensation with awareness, we improve the clarity of our thinking and feeling.
Emerging research suggests that the principles of the method are grounded in neuroscience and our current understanding of neuroplasticity. Norman Doidge, Canadian psychiatrist and author of The Brain that Changes Itself and The Brain’s Way of Healing, refers to Feldenkrais as one of the first people to understand that this neuroplasticity of the brain extends throughout life.
“When you know what you are doing, you can do what you want.”
~ Moshe Feldenkrais